#4 Fox that looks into the future

#4 Fox that looks into the future

This one was made to celebrate something and also test my skills. It took a long time and had many retries, but I promised to show everything, so here we go.

I wanted to draw a blue fox made of jelly. Head is going to move a lot because my vision as clear as lungs of someone who was smoking for 30 years.

I took inspiration for eyes from another art. I have absolutely no idea how to make them, and this looked cute.

Head moved again! Also, this body shape took me so much time. It always looked so unnatural and not like an alive fox. Next lesson: don't hyperfixated at body shapes of alive things, small additions will make a whole difference (you will see).

And I immediately got fixated about the tail. Really, don't worry about this.

See? With the legs, the body looks much better.

Unfortunately, I lost some of the coloring process. You have to believe me that it was totally random. I painted all in blue, then added mouth and ears. After this, it was just a process of: take a random amount of different color here... looks good? Yes? Leave. No? Go back.

Another lesson: If you do some kind of pattern (like this tail), be sure that every layer will start the same, otherwise, it looks terrible.

The middle was looking a little too cluttered for me. Deleted the paws and tried to make the pattern on the torso smaller.

Finally decided to remove it completely. Lesson number 3: pattern might look cool, but visual clarity is sometimes lost because of it. It's a double-edged sword, use it carefully.

After base was finished, I stared working on the jelly part of the "jelly fox". I had no idea how to do this. My thought process was that jelly shines in the light. Yea... Did I mention I have absolutely no clue about art?

Yes. I added two different sources of light on two sides of the drawing. What are you going to do about it?

Light and shade, very powerful weapon, unfortunately, I don't have hands.

The body looked dry and didn't match the head, so I added some shade to (I think) correct side.

Final piece. To be honest? It does not look like "jelly fox" at all. But it does not look bad either (if you squint your eyes and ignore second light). It's strange, but I really feel like I'm getting better at this (hey, I heard that laugh, it wasn't nice!). Anyway, I hope your future will be as bright as this poor fox. Goodbye!