#24 Sweet like a jelly, weird like the Citrus

I'm not going to admit that I'm late. That way, the democratic consensus will negate the fact that it's Monday today. Democracy means: one man, one voice. I'm the only man here, and I'm definitely the only one with the voice.
This piece is a poor copy of the work of an artist I'm in contact with. He made such an adorable creature. Looking at it, I could not stop thinking: it's so cute, but what if it was citrus?
That's my advice for today: re-do things that already have been done, with our own twist. Your ideas are valid and often great, even if the execution will not be perfect. For example, the original artist liked my unusual take and drew it himself.
Exchange ideas, build a community, have fun! There are, most likely, tons of people that are doing similar things to you. Contact with them will not only be incredibly fun, but also help you progress and motivate you. Don't be afraid that they will not like what you are doing. Everybody started somewhere, who knows, there might also be someone who will need your help on his journey.

It starts with shape, I don't know why.
It doesn't even matter how many times you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme to explain in due time
All I know, shape is a valuable thing
Watch the art fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it come down at the end of the day, the clock ticks pixels away

Even with the right formula before my eyes, I spent so much time trying to set the angle right. It's so silly, it's still just a ball with some protrusions, but if I do not see the 3D space all the time in a correct way, I get lost immediately.

For the time being, I was using colors only to solidate certain areas. Lesson: You do not have to pick the shade immediately, you should not. Everything is relative and one color might look great on its own, but later in combination it will look awful.

Here I replaced the gray parts with one of my genius idea. Lemon and lime ears! Aren't they cool? Aren't they cute? I think they are amazing, even if I could not portray them as well as I wanted, it was always my dream to be able to replicate funny ideas my brain was tossing at me. And I can finally do it! Kinda...

The color war has begun. Working with so many strong dominant tones makes it hard to combine them. I was changing shades and palettes for over 2o minutes, while making this art.

Look at my baby! The hands are blending with the body a little too much. It's another shortcoming of using a uniform color palette. It's not like you can not draw like this, you just have to know how (I do not know how).

That was a rough point. To make the hands and feet separate from each-other and from the body, I had to outline them. Firstly, I tried black (my beloved), but it did not look very well. So I settled down on red. Unfortunately, now I had to outline the whole silhouette. I mean, it's not terrible. It does not ruin the art or anything, but I kinda liked it more without outline.

Paws got some more details and shading, body as well. The brighter line on the head is supposed to highlight the round shape. It does not work very well, so it will change on the next screen.

Final piece. Doing something from your head can be depressing, if you can not do it right, but it's also so rewarding.
Do your thing, let your imagination work and follow whatever it tells you. It's much more fun than following some boring books or even more boring people that have read them. Share your amazingness with others. Be the most amazing reason for "what the f*ck" they will ever have!
Thank you for reading and not giving up!