#21 Have some fun

Exactly what is in the title. Today is a fun day, no new technics, no insane sacrifices. Just a silly little pixel to celebrate my journey. You also need to relax. Enjoy your progress, no matter how small it seems, do something that will make you happy, because you deserve it.

I wanted to draw a crow. I like crows, they are intelligent, can mimic sounds better than parrots and remember faces. Their cultural impact is also amazing, heralds of death, black shadowy figures in the dark. From the start I wanted to pixel one and today was perfect.

Not much development, but a little tip: it's much easier to start on a bright figure and add dark elements than the other way around. Even if in the end, you will make the whole piece dark, it's easier to follow when it's lighter.

Good old method, straight lines (technical they are diagonal, but you get what I'm saying, do not be too technical, today is a chill day killjoy...) darker colors on the one side, lighter on the other.

Birb got a little massive. I fed him good, he can also have some fun today. The shadow on the belly is a little too big, it looks like the light source is straight from the top.

Red, dangerous eye and the beak. Nothing special, but still, I not so long ago even a simple thing like this would be impossible for me to even think of. Your work might also not look too impressive, but it is. Every new step is amazing and should be celebrated, in the endless grind we forget about it too much. Have fun at any point, you do not need to be at the top to do that!

Changed the shape of the beak and added my favorite chessboard pattern. It just looks so smooth.

Time to work on a cane. The idea of a cane with top shaped like a crow's head is taken from a book, cookie for you if you can say the title.

Intentionally or not, I still learned something. Lesson: while making the wooden, just put vertical lines of the brighter and darker shade of brown. Looks excellent.

A full art. It was not hard, but not everything has to be. Please, take time to stop for a moment and appreciate where you are and what you have done. Do not forget about yourself in this constant fight, you are already doing amazing, enjoy your work and smile!
If I can do it, you definitely can.