#2 One little step at the time

Welcome again. I'm extremely surprised that you are still here after that awful lemon of mine, but I appreciate that. Today, I followed my own advice and have drowned random thing from my sounding. Behold: Xbox controller from my desk.
It was really hard to get to work, I was tired and discouraged after my first try. It was soooooo bad. But I pushed through, and it's today's lesson. You will often feel like you can't continue anymore, like you are done. No you aren't, you can go as long as you breathe, so take a deep breath in and go. Without thinking, just stand up and do want you want to do. C'mon! I'm waiting!

For some reason, my canvas changed to 32x32, but I'm already terrible at Pixel art, so I decided that it will not make much difference. As you can see, you want to get proper shape at the first try, but don't worry, just polish it a little.

See? Much better.

I don't have much to add controller is pretty flat and does not have too many elements, that's why I choose it. Ours progress might not be visible but believe me, we are doing it, some changes needs time, don't feel bad if you can't see that you are getting better, you are, with every step, no matter how small you are getting closer!

That's all. Looks flat and probably five-year-old could do better, but I'm happy. I'm happy because you are still here, that means you are still fighting, that you didn't give up! That's the most important thing to me.