#12 Small creature on a small day

Hi. Today is one of these days, I can't do shit. It's not like I can do amazing things normally, but today is even worse than normally. But I really love writing for you and whole premise is to show good and bad days. Here it comes.

As you can see, it's in 64x64 grid instead of 128x128. As I said earlier, my pixel today were nit pixeling. It happens, no matter what you are doing. Remember that one bad day does not make you a bad artist (I'm bad at it every day), player or whatever you are trying to achieve. Do best as you can and that's enough.

It's supposed to be a squishy, cute, white creature. If you showed it to any child, it would end up in its nightmares. To be honest, I gave up at this point, only came back after a while. I often happen, I hate what I do so much that I just decide that I do not want to continue. Drawing is bad, so here lays today's lesson: If you leave anything in a state that you hate it, you will hate it forever. Only your work can make it better. It may be a drawing, test result or even your body. Work is the only way out of this, and the most satisfying one.

It can see your sins. All of them. It judges...

It decided that it likes you! Congratulations, little demon is now your friend.

A little asymmetrical and flat, like a "Can't show this joke on a Christian website". But it is cute, big eyes and an UWU mouth always works.

These two on its head are supposed to be little fat bums. If you can't tell... I sure as hell can't.

Still a little rough, but head is almost done. On the other hand, I would not like to get into the hands of a person that massacred it's feed like this.

A little gray details on paws (or flaps, I have no idea). Also now the feet is ready for tortures again.

To make it look less flat (and because my ambition suddenly hit me in the back of my head with the frying pan) I tried to add some shade. Yea, you do not have to be a magician to predict that it will disappear on the next screen.

Finished thing. Simple, but kinda cute. Sometimes you can't do more, and that's ok. See you next time, hopefully with something more impressive. BA BAY!